Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Adding a Meg to the Mix

During the holidays we have a wee Meg in the mix. She knows that she can do everything the big guys can and is extremely competitive particularly with Jack. Lily at 7 has a few more compromising skills so can usually negotiate a way through the battle as to who gets the gold or "silba" medal according to Meg.

Meg enjoyed the mixing so much I gave her some flour outside, she loved scooping and pouring it. We added some rolled oats to give a different texture and make the scooping and sieving interesting! 
The best part is that Jack likes hosing, so he cleaned up the mess after school! What a star.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

The Stars of the Show

Photography Lessons Needed?

I have been sorting the old camera so the kids can use it over the holidays to take their own photos. While clearing the old photos off it, I found this wee surprise. Along with a few other interesting snaps of people/cats and their business. Lots of holiday planning happening here. Naked gingerbread are resting in the freezer waiting for their debut. And my goodness these little people are tired and ready for a break.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Our (or should I say My) Plans!

I have this plan you see, actually it started with a random folder of dumped photos on my computer from 2010. This was a busy time for us, 3 small people at home with their Mama. We had some fun, it was so nice looking back at that folder and remembering those days, busy and trying at times but so much fun and silly stuff. Fast forward a couple of years and the little people are still little but they are growing and changing and learning. They can read now and count and argue and negotiate even.

We have holidays coming up and once again the 3 small people and the Mama will be at home together for days and days. Just to add some fun to the mix, we are banishing that awful box thing that sits in the corner of the room to a dark cupboard. This wee blog is our record of the holiday, I am planning on Lily and Jack and perhaps even Meg publishing their amazing talent here. I know they are going to love it! Who knows if we can keep it up and even if that yukky box thing stays hidden. Hmmmmm! Below is one of the 2010 photos, oh how cute were they?